I was tired of the same old days.
Watching them over and over.
Through the same myopic lens.
So you waited at my door.
And I came out, knowing I would run into you.
Unlike the times before, it was quiet.
Quiet. Holy. Charming.
I rested my eyes on you.
And the way we saw one and read the other was like justice written in poetic verses.
I looked back and found nothing.
I had escaped you.
And I had burnt you.
I left you with a little more than nothing.
You sent me to hell.
Now you stood before me with calmness in your eyes.
My face lost its tightness.
Inspite of me, I smiled
You, floating in your tide of highs.
I know you caught me prying.
Found me spot on.
But we were being watched
From all the corners
Every window looked on..
And the walls stared with coldness and pity.
So I shut all of it up. And changed gears
We walked through the bus stop
You walked beside me, your head bowed down.
Comfortable and faceless.
I walked back home.
You watched me enter.
And walked away.